Next Level Basketball Organization
DFW Elite Traveling Basketball Team (DFW Elite) is a competitive girls basketball organization consisting of girls from the Dallas – Fort Worth metropolitan area and other cities throughout Texas . DFW Elite is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Our core principles are based in teamwork, academic achievement, developing a positive self-image, loyalty, unity, respect, good sportsmanship, and managing adversity. We believe in the pursuit of excellence in the development of the life skills of the young ladies in our organization as well as their athletic abilities. The DFW Elite organization strives to develop young female basketball players to their fullest potential, while teaching them to compete with courage, play fair, and to be leaders on and off the court. By pursuing excellence in sports, our young ladies develop a work ethic and maturity that will last a lifetime.
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Our Tradition Runs Deep
Brittney Griner
Class of 2009
Moriah Jefferson
Class of 2012
Aaliyah Wilson
Class of 2016
Alexis Morris
Class of 2017
Brianna Turner
Class of 2014
Teaira McCowan
Class of 2015
Chennedy Carter
Class of 2017
Endyia Rogers
Class of 2019